Our OASIS ministry (Older Adults Sharing in Service) is our senior adult ministry at Salem. We host events typically on the third Tuesday of the month with the exception of the summer months of June, July and August. We fellowship with one another in a variety of different ways via a meal together, an off site outing and sometimes even overnight trips. We welcome your attendance as a member or a guest. Look for details regarding our planned events in our weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters and join us when you can!
Our Next Event:
Join us February 18th at 11:30 in the fellowship hall for out next Oasis event. Our very own Jennifer Brewton, from the SC Department on Aging will be here to share the many opportunities and programs that are available within our surrounding counties. We will additionally enjoy a hot dog lunch complete with all the trimmings. Please call us by Thursday, February 13th to RSVP so that we can plan appropriately for our meal and program. We look forward to seeing you then!